Thoughtful planning and smart growth for Hillsboro
Born and Raised in Oregon
I have never loved where I live as much as I love living in Hillsboro. I was born and raised in Oregon and have made Hillsboro my home for almost a decade.
My husband, Jeremiah, and I live in Orenco with our two Labrador Retrievers, Norm and Cliff. In 2011, I opened Yellow Dog Consulting, a sales and marketing firm that provides marketing services to small businesses and organizations around the country
After the 2016 election, I realized it was time to take action. I discovered the City of Hillsboro’s Civic Leadership Academy and was invited to join the 2017 cohort. We made recommendations to City Council about supporting entrepreneurs in the community. This led me to the Washington County Chamber of Commerce where, through my work on the Small Business and Entrepreneurs Council, we opened HillHub, a coworking space that opened in spring 2019. I joined the Chamber Board in the fall of that year and was Chair of the Board in 2024 until stepping down in late spring to announce my candidacy for Hillsboro City Council.
During my time in Hillsboro, I served on the Hillsboro Library Board and was chair in 2020. I am currently on the Hillsboro Environmental Stewardship Committee learning more about how we can ever increase our sustainability efforts.
In 2021, I was asked by Mayor Callaway to step up my service as the President of the Hillsboro Committee, which is in charge of the city’s public safety levy campaign. In spring of 2022 the Public Safety Levy renewal passed with almost 83% of the vote supporting police, fire, and parks services.
I am passionate about our community, and worked on several local campaigns to elect strong leaders in offices from school board to the city to the legislature.
There are several ways to get involved! Host a house party, display a yard sign, door to door canvassing and more!
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